When subscribing, or joining BTAA as a Member, you will shortly be able to select to receive either of the following two documents in hard copy form as part of your Welcome Pack. You can click on the respective hyperlinks for additional information on each.
- Building the Bridge - Victorian Cancer Survivorship Program Project
- Survivorship Diary - A resource designed to assist patients diagnosed with a brain tumour, or brain cancer, to keep track of appointments, medications, and important questions to ask specialists. BTAA will arrange for this to be sent to you.
Additionally, to access some important initial information about brain tumours, you can click on any of the following three documents to download a pdf.
- About Brain Tumors: A Primer for Patients and Caregivers - (American Brain Tumor Association)
- Pediatric Brain Tumour Handbook - (The handbook has been developed by the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and is customised for families with a child diagnosed with a brain tumour)
- Meningioma - (American Brain Tumor Association)