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Ben Williams book updated

Professor Ben Williams - a 21-year glioblastoma survivor - has published a free update to his book: “Surviving Terminal Cancer”. Originally published in 2002, he offers free updates that include the latest research and treatment developments from a US per
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BTAA Newsletter - IBTA Week edition 2016

This edition of our BTAA Newsletter includes articles on Julia's trip to the US, Janet's trip to Toronto, Mary's trip to Australia and NZ, and more.
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BTAA Cancer Australia Project progress

In April 2016, the BTAA received funding from Cancer Australia for a three-year project to ‘create information resources to help brain tumour patients improve the health and quality of life outcomes.
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Musical cabaret night for COGNO

Please support this fabulous fantastic fund raiser to assist with brain tumour research organised in association with the COGNO Annual Scientific Meeting. Great night and only $80.
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Research on living with a low-grade glioma

Here is a fantastic opportunity to build our knowledge base. Please pass this call for research participants on - looking for adults living with a low-grade glioma.
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BTAA Educational Grants

Are you a nurse, other allied health professional or a researcher with a particular interest in supporting people diagnosed with a brain tumour? BTAA has educational financial grants that can assist you to get to an event - either in Australia or oversea