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IBTA E-News June 2016 now out

Read this great summary of international news available from the International Brain Tumour Alliance.
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Free forum for nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, patients and familly

Save the date for the free forum to be held in Sydney on 13 September 2016 at the Sheraton on the Park.

E-news June 2016

Read about the plans for the COGNO Annual Scientific Meeting, including a FREE patient forum, and more.
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DIPG Brain Tumour Registery

See the summary of the International DIPG Registry. Funded by the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation and the Cure Starts Now. Great progress. Thanks Ren.
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Joint Cancers Groups | Letter to the PM

BTAA is a signatory to a letter to the Prime Minister on the issues of importance to those living with rare cancers. Thanks Rare Cancers Australia for organising this initiative on all our behalf.
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Call for equity of access to Cancer Nurses

Cancer Voices Australia seeks equity of access to cancer nurses for all cancer patients. Cancer nurses are the best medicine.