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BTAA Magazine

BTAA Newsletter October 2015

In Australia we mark Brain Cancer Action Week in May and International Brain Tumour Awareness Week in October.
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BTAA's New Team

Download the International Brain Tumour Awareness Week 2015 edition.
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BTAA AGM Sunday 27 September 2015

BTAA elected a new team and co-opted team members at a meeting on 27 September 2015.
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Thanks Jordan Cowen - BTAA's Youth Ambassador

Papers in the mail for financial members re our AGM Sunday 27 September at 2pm, Pearce Community Centre.
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New Children's Cancer website

The cheque was in the mail! BTAA has received a lovely covering letter from Jordan along with a cheque from the funds raised by his event held in May at St Virgil's College. Next year he might Go Grey in May for BTAA.
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You can help researchers - Forgotten Cancers Project seeking volunteers

Cancer Australia has a new resource.