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BTAA e-news July 2015

Cancer Council Victoria’s Forgotten Cancers Project investigates the causes of less commonly diagnosed cancers by studying the role of genes, lifestyle and early environment exposures in their development.

Chair Matt Pitt writes about special weeks for the IBTA magazine

Read the lastest BTAA e-news, reporting on ASCO 2015
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Queen's Birthday Honours to BTAA Co-founder Denis Strangman AM

BTAA Founding Chair Matthew Pitt's article in the 2015 IBTA magazine is a thought provoking read on the role of remembrance days, weeks or months for our community.
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Researcher seeking recruits for an online research project

Denis Strangman, co-founder of BTAA, is today awarded an AM for "significant service to community health through advocacy, public policy, and support organisations for people with brain tumours."
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Melbourne - great range of services at The Austin

Research into Illness Perceptions, Quality of Life, and Diagnostic Communication' is now recruiting people with all types of primary brain tumours. Please help build our knowledge base.

BTAA e-news May 2015 ahead of ASCO

The John Cummins Memorial fund enables Di Legge and her team at The Austin to provide some great services. Read about forthcoming support sessions for patients and for carers.