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BTAA representation at ASCO, Chicago, this weekend

Read the enews sent to subscribers by Chair Matt Pitt.
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Our Creations Little Shop of Shops - Beanies 4 Brain Cancer Appeal

BTAA Chair Matt Pitt is flying to Chicago today to represent us at the ASCO Conference this weekend. Matt send an e-news to our subscribers seeking input on areas to focus on at this very busy conference. Matt's trip was supported by his grandfather.
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Prof Martin van den Bent will speak to patients and carers in Brisbane

Our Creations—Little Shop of Shops supports many local artists and craft persons, with many being avid knitters and crocheters! So we are going to ‘beanie –bomb’ the shop with all kinds of beanies!
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Dr Katharine Hodgkinson on the role of clinical psychologists

The 3rd National BTAA Summit will be held in Brisbane on 22 October 2015, hosted by the Cancer Council Queensland. The luncheon guest speaker will be Prof Martin van den Bent, from the Netherlands. This will be a free forum.
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Rare Cancers Report - 'Just a Little More Time' updated

On 16 March 2016 Rare Cancers updated their report on the incidence and burden of rare and less common cancers. Congratulations Richard and Kate Vines.
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Podcasts Brisbane 22 October 2015 IBTA Week Forum

Three new podcasts of the key speakers including Neuro-oncologist Professor Martin van den Bent on the topic of “What is new in the treatment of primary brain tumours, Michelle Stewart on trials and a panel on practical aspects.