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Who will be the pathbreakers?

Dr Katharine Hodgkinson from Headway Health presented a session on “Strategies for dealing with a diagnosis of brain cancer” to the Sydney Brain Cancer Action Week forum. Read how clinical psychologists can help.
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Carrie's request | Wack on a beanie for awareness today

BTAA is looking for people to trial our new fundraising facility and kick off our major source of funds - Who is willing to Wear a Hat for a Day. Or Wack on a Beanie or Bang on a Bandana?

BTAA e-news April 2015

Thanks Carrie Bickmore for using your acceptance speach for the Gold Logie to raise awareness for our cause.Great work @Bickmorecarrie
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BTAA Newsletter April 2015

Read the April 2015 e-news - the Brain Cancer Action Week edition.
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World Cancer Day 4th Feb

Download the latest newsletter to read about Brain Cancer Action Week, Mel Goes Gray in May, travel insurance and more.

Julia's story

Julia Robertson was diagnosed with an Atypical Colloid Cyst at the age of 29 in 2003.