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IBTA Headline news
This month has been a particularly busy one for brain tumour-related news, owing to various conferences. We hope that you find this longer-than-usual e-News helpful and, as always, we value your feedback.“We’ve reached an inflection point in our fight against cancer” announces US Vice President Biden at ASCO 2016
Speaking at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO 2016), held in Chicago from June 3 – 7, US Vice President Joe Biden, whose son died of a brain tumour, said that greater collaboration and a “change in mind-set” is key to achieving the US government’s “Cancer Moonshot” initiative’s goal of finding vaccine-based immunotherapies against cancer. “It requires a lot more openness – open data, open collaboration and above all, open minds,” he said. The speech coincided with the official launch of the Genomic Data Commons, a public database for clinical genomic data that is overseen and funded by the National Cancer Institute. Read more. (Video available here.) This year’s Brain Tumour magazine also features an article by Dr Anna D. Barker, which discusses the groundbreaking GBM AGILE Trial, and pictures Vice President Joe Biden with key leaders of the trial. Read the article on our website here.