Cure Brain Cancer Foundation and Peace of Mind Foundation are proud collaborative partners of the National Advocacy Service, which directly assists families with accessing support services including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Centrelink and other government programs.
The service launched on November 1 2021 and we are here to help you with:
General information & advice (online, phone or face-to-face)
Connecting you to local support services/contacts within your region
Applying to the NDIS, Centrelink, Carer Gateway, etc
Sending you a copy of ‘The Survivorship Diary’ - a new brain cancer resource
If you require the services above or are seeking services for your specific needs, we would love to hear how we can help.
How do I request support from the National Advocacy Service?
- Go to the Peace of Mind Foundation website:
- Click the Apply for NAS Support button on the left of the webpage
- Enter your details and under Support Service Request tick National Advocacy Service