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International Brain Tumour Awareness Week Newsletter out now

Our newsletter is out now. And registrations for the forum in Melbourne on 22 October are open. How will you mark IBTA Week 2017?
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Brain Tumour Alliance Annual General Meeting

The 2017 BTAA Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 24 September at the Woden Southern Cross Club, Philip, Canberra. The meeting will start at 1:30pm. The AGM will follow the ACT BT support network meeting at 11am and lunch in the bistro at 12.
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Gliolan in the news

Call for Gliolan to be reimbursed in Australia.
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We need your opinion

We are looking for people diagnosed with brain tumours, and/or their family and friends who support them, to tell us what information we need in a new information resource.

BTAA E-news June 2017

Read the latest BTAA e-news.
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Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne people needed to help. Yes/no/maybe?

We are still looking for people who have been diagnosed with brain tumours or family members or friends who support them, to take part in a project to build better brain tumour patient resources as part of our Cancer Australia project.