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BTAA e-news May 2016

Read about the events for Brain Cancer Action Week 2016.
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Cancer Australia grants announced - BTAA one of the recipients

Cancer Australia has today announced the four recipients of the grants for the Supporting People With Cancer 2016 round. BTAA is thrilled to be one of the recipients and will work with our partners to develop resources in languages other than English.

BTAA e-news March 2016

Read about the plans for Brain Cancer Action Week May 2016 and more

Andrea's Mindfulness Training Report

Andrea Leuning and her husband Ray attended the ACT BT Support Network. This is a report she wrote late in 2015 to help other carers. thanks Andrea.
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CUREFEST 2016 - Save the date Sunday 25 September

An event on the Sydney Opera House forecourt to raise awareness of the impact of childhood cancer in Australia and internationally.
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2nd International Brain Tumour Alliance Summit report now available

The IBTA Second Summit in Barcelona in October 2015 bought together representatives from 27 countries across the world. The Summit report is now available.