Deb Harrod shares her meningioma story, including her lengthy surgical procedure.
To share your own brain tumour story please email

Graham's Story
Graham Smith was diagnosed with a GBM in January 2021. He and his wife Lisa, and their two daughters live in Melbourne.

Di's Story
Di Pooley is a Committee Member with BTAA. She was diagnosed with a Grade 1 fibroblastic meningioma in 2016.
Cate's Story
Cate Baldwin is a Committee Member with BTAA. She was diagnosed with a Grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in the right hemisphere of her brain in mid-2018.

Diane's Story
Diane Dunn is a Committee Member with BTAA. She has an inoperable Grade 2 oligodendroglioma in her right parietal lobe.